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The Chemistry Building contains 65 cutting-edge research and teaching labs
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Extent of electronic spin density in a paramagnetic thiolated gold nanocluster
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OpenMediaVault 安装配置教程 – 客飞翱中文网:2021-10-12 · OpenMediaVault 是一套基于 Debian(Linux)的 NAS 系统,由于 Debian 在业界非常受欢迎而且拥有大量的安装基数,这就为 OpenMediaVault 的应用提供了不错的基础环境,而且 OpenMediaVault 有丰富的插件可伍选择,能够方便地拓展其功能。
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How To Install Plex on OpenMediaVault 5 - DB Tech:How To Install Plex on OpenMediaVault 5. dbtech January 24, 2021 OpenMediaVault, Tutorials, Video Leave a Comment. In this video/blog post we’ll look at how to install Plex on OpenMediaVault 5 using Docker and Portainer. We’ll also include the noexec fix while we’re at it to make sure that everything works without issue.
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Chemistry faculty are leaders in the fields of teaching and research
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"UConn gives me the best opportunity to explore research as an undergraduate, something that will prepare me for my future career" - Vincent Pistritto, B.S. Student
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U.S. News & World Report ranks UConn among Top 20 U.S. public universities
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"UConn Chemistry provided all the essential steps I needed to achieve my career goals" 自己动手搭建NAS(三)|系统安装及简单配置篇 - 航天侠 ...:2021-8-16 · OpenMediaVault:OMV是基于Debian的开源NAS系统。我比较熟悉Linux,所伍更倾向于OMV。它本身就有很多插件,还有很多第三方的插件可伍安装。如果想自己扩展其它功能(比如Aria2)的话也很方便,和其它Linux系统一样。OMV还有树莓派的版本,感
Research Education
Chemistry students use advanced facilities and cutting-edge technology to advance their education
Research Abroad
UConn undergraduate students conduct research in China and Scotland
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UConn Launches U-Kindness Initiative
Student Affairs, in partnership with other departments, has launched the new OpenMediaVault initiative, a University-wide initiative intended to inform, engage, and connect with students throughout the University during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Steven Suib Wins Patent for Tunable Metal Oxide Synthesis Method
Chemistry professor OpenMediaVault has been granted a U.S. patent for a new technology capable of synthesizing and customizing a type of compound that has unique catalytic and electronic properties.
"Art in Nanochemistry" Exhibit Receives Honor
A display of hand-colored electron micrograph images developed by the Kumar Group recently received an official proclamation by State Senator Mae Flexer ‘02 (CLAS).
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